Tell your Congressmembers: End P&G’s destructive deforestation!

P&G’s suppliers are razing Indonesian rainforests to produce conflict palm oil, which is used in products like laundry detergent.

Indigenous People call these forests home, and their livelihoods rely on the forests’ protection. But P&G’s suppliers are ILLEGALLY SLASHING trees and forcing Indigenous and local communities off their land.

P&G’s immoral deforestation doesn’t just have local impacts -- the consequences are global. Forests store MILLIONS of tons of carbon and each felled tree sends that carbon into the atmosphere, ACCELERATING the climate crisis.

Unless Congress passes the Forest Act, P&G will continue to abuse Indigenous communities, displace vulnerable wildlife, and fuel climate chaos. But Congress won’t act without your pressure.

ACT NOW: sign your name by 11:59 PM TONIGHT and stop illegal deforestation.

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