Tell the Biden Administration to NOT to REMOVE Endangered Species Protections for gray wolves!

Gray wolves remain absent across most of their historic range — primarily because they are being savagely hunted and killed.

But states in the Northern Rockies bordering Yellowstone National Park are making it even easier for vicious trophy hunters to freely SLAUGHTER these beloved animals. Trophy hunters can legally use RUTHLESS poaching methods to kill innocent wolves like shooting, trapping, choking, poisoning, running them over, and other barbaric practices.

Earlier this year, federal courts ruled to re-list gray wolves as endangered species in hopes of restoring their fragile declining population — but the Biden Administration has recently filed an APPEAL to REMOVE these critical protections.

If we are going to save these beloved canines from extinction, we must urgently demand government action that STRENGTHENS gray wolf protections, NOT removes them.

Sign now to urge the Biden Administration to preserve federal protections for gray wolves before we lose this precious species forever! >>


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