Tell President Biden: STOP federal food programs from serving Big Ag over people and the planet!

Industrial animal agriculture is one of the leading contributors to climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions. It puts workers at high risk of injury, pollutes our air and water, and subjects animals to immeasurable cruelty. And every day, the government funds this destructive industry by purchasing factory-farmed meat and dairy for public institutions like schools, public healthcare facilities, and correctional facilities.

President Biden has the power to expand access to plant-based food in public institutions, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and ensure that food is sourced from places that treat their workers fairly. And the upcoming White House conference on hunger, nutrition, and health makes this the perfect opportunity for him to act -- but this will only work if President Biden feels a groundswell of pressure from people like you.

Now is your chance! By signing this petition, you could fight factory farming, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, AND expand access to plant-based food!

Tell President Biden: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food served in public institutions by midnight TONIGHT! >>


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