Idaho is one of the few states that doesn’t have ANY protections keeping wolves safe from BRUTAL trophy hunters.
As a result, innocent wolves and wolf pups are being slaughtered in droves by some of the most HORRIFIC and VIOLENT hunting methods you can think of — choked to death by snares, mangled by leg traps, shot to shreds by powerful weapons, even dynamited in their dens.
Now, Idaho wants to initiate a new “management plan” that would wipe out 90% of the state’s wolf population, leaving only 500 wolves remaining — and MURDERING the rest.
Gray wolf populations are already vulnerable and reckless overhunting and poaching. Without immediate federal protections, states like Idaho will succeed in passing cruel wolf-killing policies that could send gray wolves to EXTINCTION.
Wolves are counting on us to protect them from being brutally slaughtered by trophy hunters. Will you take action now before it’s too late?