SIGN THE PETITION: Demand action from NMFS to STOP corporate overfishing and SAVE endangered orcas from extinction!

There are only 73 Southern Resident orcas remaining in the wild. And with every moment that passes, this critically endangered species is getting closer to EXTINCTION.

Researchers have raised the alarm about the lack of Chinook salmon driving the orca population’s dramatic decline. Without enough salmon, these precious whales are SUFFERING FROM MALNUTRITION and STARVING TO DEATH.

But the National Marine Fisheries Service — the agency tasked with protecting salmon — is FAILING to STOP the overfishing that’s threatening the survival of these beloved whales.

The only way to persuade NMFS to act is if we can apply enough public pressure from activists like you, so your voice is CRITICAL. Take action NOW to SAVE endangered orcas from being wiped out by corporate greed!

Tell the NMFS to put endangered orcas before the profits of corporate fishing companies! >>


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