SIGN NOW: Demand federal protections for grizzly bears before ruthless trophy hunters wipe them out forever!

The winter season is already a highly vulnerable time for bears -- which makes these HELPLESS animals the PERFECT TARGET for trophy hunters who will sneak up on sleeping bear families in their dens or lure them out with bait while they are desperate for food.

Bears are simply trying to SURVIVE the harsh winters and withstand the frigid temperatures and lack of food. Savagely murdering them while they are at their most vulnerable is CRUEL and INHUMANE.

As the bear population in the U.S. continues to drop, these endangered species are nearing extinction due to careless and brutal OVERHUNTING.

We MUST demand federal protection against the savage hunting practices that are destroying the bear population before it’s too late and these beloved animals are EXTINCT.

TAKE ACTION NOW: We MUST protect vulnerable grizzly bear families from inhumane overhunting that is pushing them to the BRINK OF EXTINCTION >>

Tell U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to protect grizzly bears from being BRUTALLY MASSACRED by merciless trophy hunters!


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