Demand FWS protect vulnerable grizzlies and their cubs from vicious trophy hunters>>

In the coming weeks, cruel trophy hunters could KILL a mother bear who emerges from hibernation. She may be looking to replenish her underfed body to give her the strength to care for her cubs who will be left orphaned. 

States like Montana and Wyoming are TARGETING INNOCENT GRIZZLY BEARS. They aim to strip them of their protections so they can KILL for “fun” -- with painful snares, metal clamps, hunting dogs, and even dynamite!  

If the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) decides to delist grizzlies in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, grizzly bears could be pushed to the brink of EXTINCTION. And nothing is worth the loss of one of our nation’s most iconic species -- especially not a trophy hunter’s sick desire to watch them die.  

Tell U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to protect grizzly bears from being BRUTALLY MASSACRED by merciless trophy hunters! >


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