SIGN NOW: Demand stronger ESA protections for gray wolves and help save them from extinction!

Earlier this year, it was announced that gray wolves in the Northern Rockies will NOT be relisted under the Endangered Species Act.

Innocent gray wolves will continue to be viciously slaughtered by cruel trophy hunters using some of the most inhumane and horrific killing methods imaginable -- from rapid fire bullets to steel leg traps and choking snares, and even running these helpless animals over with snowmobiles.

No ESA protections for this already dwindling species only pushes them closer to EXTINCTION.

The situation is dire and urgent, and time is running out. Will you take action right now to demand stronger ESA protections for this treasured species and help SAVE these beloved animals from ruthless trophy hunters?

Tell the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to PROTECT the Endangered Species Act and SAVE our nation’s gray wolves from vicious trophy hunters! >>


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