SIGN NOW: Stop the vicious killing of innocent bear families and protect grizzlies from brutal trophy hunters!

Known as the “Queen of the Tetons”, Grizzly 399 is one of the oldest and most famous grizzly bears in the entire world: she’s given birth to at least 18 cubs, and over TWO DOZEN grizzly bears have descended from this iconic matriarch’s bloodline!

But sadly, iconic matriarch Grizzly 399 and her precious cubs — like playful and energetic Spirit  — are in grave danger right now. The Northern Rockies States of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana are attempting to REMOVE life-saving Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for grizzlies. Doing so would give merciless trophy hunters a free LICENSE TO KILL these majestic animals indiscriminately without consequence using vicious and inhumane killing tactics.

The future of this treasured native mammal is at stake. We must put a STOP to this bloody massacre before more bear families are violently wiped out and our beloved grizzlies are pushed to EXTINCTION at the hands of brutal trophy hunters.

Your advocacy today could help SAVE innocent mama bears and bear cubs from being unjustly murdered, so please don’t ignore their desperate pleas for help. Take action NOW before it’s too late for grizzlies!

Tell the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service that we DEMAND comprehensive ESA protections for grizzly bears immediately! >>


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