Tell Congress: Pass the Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act!

American bison, grizzly bears, and gray wolves are three of the country’s most treasured mammals representing our nation’s heritage and wilderness. They also hold important cultural significance to several Indigenous peoples of North America. 

Sadly, cruel trophy hunters have been violently killing these sacred creatures for centuries to the point of eradication from most of their history range. Today, these three national icons are still THREATENED.

A new bill has just been introduced called the Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act (also known as The Trinity Act).

This groundbreaking legislation aims to restore balance to our broken ecosystems, recover three beloved keystone species, and make progress in respecting the rights of Tribal Nations by strengthening land stewardship and respecting their leadership in safeguarding these vulnerable animals and their habitats.

In an effort to prioritize and expedite this landmark legislation, we’re urgently calling on 4,000 more activists to urge their Congress members to pass The Trinity Act. Will you sign our petition by 11:59 P.M. tonight to help ensure this historic bill is passed?

Add your name now to urge your Congress member to pass The Trinity Act immediately! >>

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